Komunikat producenta HOBOT Technology Inc.
“Chcielibyśmy podzielić się wiadomością o niezwykłym zwycięstwie, które podkreśla nasze zaangażowanie w innowacje, uczciwość prawną i wiodącą pozycję na rynku.
Firma HOBOT Technology Inc., pionier i lider w branży robotów do czyszczenia okien, zwyciężyła w kluczowej sprawie o naruszenie praw własności intelektualnej przeciwko Beijing Hutt Wisdom Technology Co., Ltd. Ta prawie 5-letnia batalia prawna zakończyła się prawomocnym wyrokiem Najwyższego Sądu Ludowego Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej i potwierdza nasze prawa do opatentowanej technologii stojącej za naszymi renomowanymi robotami do czyszczenia okien HOBOT – prawo patentowe dotyczy kontroli jego ścieżki pracy (numer patentu: ZL201210185869.9). Do modeli produktów pozwanego naruszających patent należą Hutt DDC5 i DDC51 i DDC55.W następstwie wyroku HUTT zastosował się do decyzji sądu i od 21 marca 2024 r. wycofał z rynku chińskiego wszystkie produkty naruszające prawa patentowe.
Oczekujemy w tej chwili na skutki tej decyzji na rynku Europejskim i na decyzję producenta czy będzie na Polskim rynku próbował wyegzekwować wycofanie powyższych modeli ze sprzedaży. Zwycięstwo Tajwańskiej myśli technologicznej na Chińskim terenie w starciu z takim gigantem technologicznym jest bez wątpienia wydarzeniem bez precedensu.”
[Press Release] Taiwan’s HOBOT Technology Secures Intellectual Property Rights Victory, Ensuring HOBOT Brand Protection as HUTT Removes Infringing Products From China Market
Beijing, [Release Date] — HOBOT Technology Co., Ltd. 台湾好样科技有限公司, a leading Taiwan-based company renowned for its innovative HOBOT window cleaning robots, has established a significant foothold in the smart home industry globally since its inception in 2010. Today, HOBOT Technology announces its final victory in the intellectual property infringement lawsuit against Beijing Hutt Wisdom Technology Co., Ltd. 北京赫特智慧科技有限公司, Shenzhen Quanshunda Electronics Co., Ltd. 深圳市全顺达电子有限公司, Beijing New Discovery Technology Co., Ltd. 北京新发现科技有限公司, and Shanghai Oriental TV Shopping Co., Ltd. 上海东方电视购物有限公司(collectively referred to as “the Defendants”), awarded by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China.

Image: the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, Credit: Internet
The victory not only affirms HOBOT Technology’s efforts in technological innovation and intellectual property protection but also upholds legal justice and market order. The case, adjudicated by the Supreme People’s Court of China, with case numbers (2022) Supreme Court Zhi Min Final 2584 最高法知民终2584号, (2023) Supreme Court Zhi Min Final 832最高法知民终832号, and (2023) Supreme Court Zhi Min Final 833最高法知民终833号, marks the successful conclusion of a nearly four-and-a-half-year legal battle that began on October 25, 2019.
The dispute centered around the patent “Cleaning Machine and Its Path Control Method 清洁机及其路径控制方法” (Patent Number: ZL201210185869.9), held by HOBOT Technology’s founder, Zhao Zhi-Mou 赵志谋, which covers products including HUTT’s DDC5, DDC51, and DDC55 models. The Supreme People’s Court ultimately ruled that the Defendants infringed upon HOBOT Technology’s patent rights, ordering a total compensation of 3.49 million Chinese Yuan.
During the lawsuit, two requests for declaration of invalidity were made by the Defendants, with case numbers 4W109657 in 2019 and 4W111986 in 2021. Both were withdrawn after the oral hearing stage, a move seen as intentionally delaying the litigation process. The case also highlighted the complexity and challenges of protecting intellectual property rights, with parallel civil and administrative litigation proceedings. Following the original judgment, the Defendants contested the decisions made by the Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court and the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court, escalating the appeal to the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China. After the Supreme Court’s ruling, Beijing Hutt Wisdom Technology Co., Ltd. has removed all infringing products from online sales in China as of March 21, 2024.
HOBOT Technology’s victory signifies a dual triumph in protecting its innovative achievements and intellectual property rights. This victory not only delivers justice for the company but also offers encouragement and guidance to other innovation-driven enterprises, providing a significant legal precedent.

Image Credit: HOBOT
Dedicated to the research and application of innovative technologies, this victory further solidifies HOBOT Technology’s leadership in the cleaning machine domain. HOBOT Technology extends its gratitude to the legal teams, experts, and employees who supported and participated in this case. The company remains committed to its core of innovation, continually advancing technology, and returning higher-quality products to the market and consumers.
More information about the HOBOT brand and future development plans will be updated and shared on the company’s official website and major social media platforms. The continued attention and support for the technology and development of HOBOT brand products from all sectors are welcome.
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